Project partners
Below are the partners in the Erasmus+ project RoboCup. Click on the logos to go to their own webpages.
Roskilde Technical VET College (RTS) was the coordinating partner.
RTS is situated in the centre of Zealand, less than 40 km from Copenhagen.
RTS runs more than 34 different VET programs, 16 of them with the possibility to follow the education as a EUX program. We also have a department for HTX (Higher Technical Examination – a technical upper secondary education), and hosts approximately 5000 students at courses in the program for further education for skilled workers (AMU).
Roskilde Technical VET College offers VET training programs at level EQF 4 + 5, as well as working life orientated education and training. We also develop specific courses and training for companies and enterprises.
Training is provided at 10 different addresses and through 3 different departments. The main areas are: “Foods, Agriculture and hospitality” and “Technology, Construction and Transportation”.
Roskilde Technical VET College has 460 employees and more than 12000 students per year. The school was established in 1840, and today we cover 99.000 m3.
Contact information:
International Coordinator/ Project Manager Pernille Bjerre | email:
EGIBIDE is a VET School located within five different campuses in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of the Basque Country, in Spain. It is the result of the union of two different schools with a long history in the city. Both these schools started more than 80 years ago (in the 1940s) and now, together, aim at providing excellent vocational education to the population of the Basque region.
Egibide offers a wide variety of studies. It includes Compulsory Secondary Education and a variety of Technical and Vocational Education on various EQF levels and fields.
Egibide cooperates with more than 700 companies, including Dual System and labour practices, and collaborates with local company associations. Other key collaborators are: CONFEBASK; Association of companies in the Basque Country, TKNIKA; Applied Innovation Centre in Technical Education, EDUCSI; Network of Jesuits Vocational schools, HETEL; association of VET schools of the Basque Country.
Egibide has extensive experience in the implementation and application of active and collaborative methodologies in vocational training.
Contact information:
International Coordinator Ruben Landa | email:
Keuda Group is a consortium owned by seven municipalities. Training is provided on 11 campuses, in secondary Vocational Education and Training, on EQF-levels 4 and 5, in the following sectors: Wellness and Welfare, Automotive and Transport, Hospitality Services, Business and Commerce, Technology and Construction, and Natural Resources and Environment.
The majority of Keuda’s students are at EQF-level 4. Technology is Keuda’s largest sector. Keuda Group, the 6th biggest training provider in Finland, yearly trains some 6500 “student years”, with approx. 10 000 students attending courses and/or aiming for qualifications. More than half of the students are adults. Our fulltime staff members amount to ca. 670 persons.
Keuda’s office for International Affairs is part of “Learning environments and development Services”-unit ran by the principal. Keuda was granted the Erasmus+ Mobility Charter in 2017 and renewed it in 2021.
Contact information:
Head of International Affairs Katriina Lammi | email:
Kuben Upper Secondary School is a joint vocational and academic school in Oslo, Norway. The school is the largest out of Oslo’s 25 public schools with its’ 1600 students, aged 16 to 19 years.
Kuben prides itself on educating tomorrows best vocational workers and students, and is a frontrunner in vocational education in Oslo.
Kuben’s VET programs are within health and social sciences, electrical trade and electronics, technical and industrial production, ICT and media production, and building and construction. These programs are all at EQF level 4.
Kuben is the first educational institution outside of the university sector in Norway, to offer Robotics.
Kuben is active in several international projects and strive to give as many students and staff as possible, the opportunity for international experiences, either abroad or at home.
Contact information:
International Coordinator Kristin Skare | email:
RoboCup memories


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